mardi 17 décembre 2013

رسالة الى أبي ...

بقايا همساتك في قلبي 
من عصر قديم فيه حياتك ضمتني 
عصر خرافي كنت تمجد فيه اسمي
اتذكر ذلك يا حبيبي؟
كان ذلك قبل ان تكسر مرآتك بعض من سنتمتراتي 
وقبل ان تكسر بعدها كلماتك قلبي
و تقتل لمساتك روحي 
عصر عانقت فيه الثلوج احلامي
فتوقف الزمان و اقترب القمر مني
ليحكي لي عن عصر لاحق من حياتي
تنسى فيه من انا و تنس فيه ملامحي
توشح فيه بوجهك عني 
خوفا من شياطيني
ترى؟ هل القاها يوما شياطيني؟
لاحكي لها عن جحيمي 
علها ترحمني و تستدعي ملاكي
لياخذني بعيدا عنك و عني 
وعن عالم لم يستطع يوما ان يستهويني


Just another woman

I would always listen and say that God will understand , and if he doesn't that he's not God and I need no worry.

The answer to my prayers was crystal clear.
If it's worth it than I have to fight to have it. 
If I don't have to fight, then it's not worth it.
And if I don't want to fight then I'm not worth it. 
Fighting for answers is the the main challenge, whether it's an answer to the meaning of life, or answer to the meaning of a personal desire.
Fighting for a value, or for a conviction, defending a belief regardless of the circumstances, fighting to stay strong and faithful to who I am everywhere I go.
Fighting to be myself no matter what.
And then there is the ultimate fight to achieve goals , to assume those goals and to dream ! 
Fighting for love, or fighting to let go and move on.
Fighting to stay happy, fighting a depressing state of mind.
Fighting ignorance and fears.
In the End, maybe this was the answer I fought first to have, when I wanted to know if life was a man or a woman 
Life is woman, that seduces everything you love away, and you have to fight her to have it back 
Death is a woman that takes away everyone you love out of jealousy.
But life is a woman , and death is a woman , full of beauty and surprises, full of perfect balance.